Get ready for back to school with this DIY Smart Cookie Pencil case.
It holds all your essential school supplies and more!
Stuff You Need:
- (2) light brown felt sheets
- 6" zipper
- fabric glue
- pen
- scissors
- small plate
- black puff paint
- additional felt in black, dark brown and pink
1. Trace out 2 circles on the light brown felt sheets using a small plate.
2. Cut out circles.
3. In the center of one of the circles, measure 2 lines that are a 1/2 inch a part. This will be the opening for your zipper.
4. Cut out the 1/2 inch piece of felt between your lines.
5. Place zipper in the center of the opening. Apply fabric glue to the side of the zipper and glue down the 1st side. Repeat process on the other side.
6. Once the glue is set, cut off any excess zipper material.
7. Take the other circle and apply fabric glue along the outer edges and glue together.
8. Cut chocolate chips out of the dark brown felt. Cut smart cookie's eyes out of the black felt and his cheeks out of the pink felt. Then attach all with fabric glue.
9. Draw his eyeglasses and mouth with the black puff paint. Allow paint to dry over night before using.
Now, you're one smart cookie!